16 research outputs found

    Varijacija gena Ī²-tubulin izotip 1 u kodonu 167 i 200 odgovorna za rezistenciju Haemonchus contortus na benzimidazol iz ovaca uzgajanih u distriktu Krishna, AP, Indija.

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    A study was carried out for detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms at codon 167 and 200 of the Ī²-tubulin isotype 1 gene that are linked to BZ resistance of Haemonchus contortus in sheep. A total of 226 adult male worms were genotyped from different regions of Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh. Amplification of DNA from each worm by PCR, followed by semi-nested PCR, yielded an expected fragment of 488 bp product. The PCR product was subsequently digested with restriction endonuclease SnaBI and TaaI to detect mutation at codon 167 and 200 respectively. On digestion, three different fragment patterns were observed at codon 200, one with 215 bp, 206 bp and 67 bp (homozygous resistant; ā€˜rrā€™), the second with 282 bp, 215 bp, 206 bp and 67 bp (heterozygous; ā€˜rSā€™), and another with 282 bp and 206 bp fragment (homozygous susceptible; ā€˜SSā€™). No resistance allele (TAC) was evident at codon 167 in any worms including the worms that carried a susceptible allele (TTC) at codon 200. The overall genotype frequencies varied significantly (P<0.01) with respect to the Ī²-tubulin gene/TaaI locus in the study area. The frequency of ā€˜rSā€™ (64.60%) genotypes was high compared to that of ā€˜rrā€™ and ā€˜SSā€™ genotypes. The genotype frequency for ā€˜rrā€™ worms ranged from 6.25% to 31.82% among different regions. In general, the prevalence of BZ resistance allele was found to be significantly (P<0.01) higher (54.0%). Results revealed Ī²-tubulin isotype 1 polymorphism at codon 200 in H. contortus of sheep indicating the occurrence of resistance allele in the study area.Provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem otkrivanja polimorfizama pojedinačnih nukleotida u kodonu 167 i 200, Ī²-tubulin izotip 1 gena koji je povezan s otpornoŔću ovčjeg parazita Haemonchus contortus prema benzimidazolu (BZ). Genotipizirano je ukupno je 226 odraslih muÅ”kih crva iz različitih područja distrikta Krishna, Andhra Pradesh. Umnažanje DNA iz svakoga crva pomoću PCR-a praćeno je poluugniježđenim PCR-om, čime je proizveden očekivani fragment od 488 bp. PCR produkt potom je pomijeÅ”an s restrikcijskim endonukleazama SnaBI i TaaI radi otkrivanja mutacije u kodonu 167 i 200. U kodonu 200 opažena su tri različita fragmenta, jedan s 215 bp, 206 bp i 67 bp (homozigotno rezistentan, ā€žrrā€œ), drugi s 282 bp, 215 bp, 206 bp i 67 bp (heterozigot, ā€žrSā€œ) i treći s 282 bp i 206 bp fragmentom (homozigotno sumnjiv, ā€žSSā€œ). Rezistentni alel (TAC) nije ustanovljen u kodonu 167 svih istraženih crva, uključujući crve koji su nosili sumnjivi alel (TTC) u kodonu 200. Ukupna učestalost genotipova znatno je varirala (P<0,01) u odnosu na Ī²-tubulin gen/TaaI lokus istraženog područja. Učestalost genotipa ā€žrSā€œ (64,60 %) bila je visoka u usporedbi s učestaloŔću genotipova ā€žrrā€œ i ā€žSSā€œ. Učestalost genotipa ā€žrrā€œ kod crva iz različitih područja kretala se u rasponu od 6,25 % do 31,82 %. Općenito, opažena je signifikantno (P<0,01) viÅ”a (54,0 %) prevalencija BZ rezistentnog alela. Rezultati potvrđuju da polimorfizam kodona 200 u Ī²-tubulin izotip 1 genu ovčjeg parazita H. contortus upućuje na pojavu rezistentnih alela u istraženim područjima

    Antioxidant, Lipid Lowering, and Membrane Stabilization Effect of Sesamol against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy in Experimental Rats

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the cardioprotective effect of sesamol against doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in rats. In this study, the cardioprotective effect of sesamol against doxorubicin induced cardiomyopathy in experimental rats was evaluated at the dosage of 50ā€‰mg/kg bw. Doxorubicin was administered to rats at a total cumulative dose of 15ā€‰mg/kg through intraperitoneal route for 2 weeks in six-divided dose on 8th, 10th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 21st day. After the last dose administration, the endogenous antioxidants and lipid peroxidation were estimated in heart tissue homogenate. Cardiac biomarkers such as troponin T, LDH, CK, and AST and lipid profiles such as cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and VLDL were estimated in serum. Sesamol has cardioprotective activity through normalization of doxorubicin-induced-altered biochemical parameters. Biochemical study was further supported by histopathological study, which shows that sesamol offered myocardial protection from necrotic damage. From these findings, it has been concluded that the sesamol has significant cardioprotection against doxorubicin induced cardiomyopathy via amelioration of oxidative stress, lipid lowering, and membrane stabilization effect

    Variation in the Ī²-tubulin isotype 1 gene at codon 167 and 200 responsible for benzimidazole resistance in Haemonchus contortus in sheep of Krishna District, AP, India

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    A study was carried out for detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms at codon 167 and 200 of the Ī²-tubulin isotype 1 gene that are linked to BZ resistance of Haemonchus contortus in sheep. A total of 226 adult male worms were genotyped from different regions of Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh. Amplification of DNA from each worm by PCR, followed by semi-nested PCR, yielded an expected fragment of 488 bp product. The PCR product was subsequently digested with restriction endonuclease SnaBI and TaaI to detect mutation at codon 167 and 200 respectively. On digestion, three different fragment patterns were observed at codon 200, one with 215 bp, 206 bp and 67 bp (homozygous resistant; ā€˜rrā€™), the second with 282 bp, 215 bp, 206 bp and 67 bp (heterozygous; ā€˜rSā€™), and another with 282 bp and 206 bp fragment (homozygous susceptible; ā€˜SSā€™). No resistance allele (TAC) was evident at codon 167 in any worms including the worms that carried a susceptible allele (TTC) at codon 200. The overall genotype frequencies varied significantly (P<0.01) with respect to the Ī²-tubulin gene/TaaI locus in the study area. The frequency of ā€˜rSā€™ (64.60%) genotypes was high compared to that of ā€˜rrā€™ and ā€˜SSā€™ genotypes. The genotype frequency for ā€˜rrā€™ worms ranged from 6.25% to 31.82% among different regions. In general, the prevalence of BZ resistance allele was found to be significantly (P<0.01) higher (54.0%). Results revealed Ī²-tubulin isotype 1 polymorphism at codon 200 in H. contortus of sheep indicating the occurrence of resistance allele in the study area.Provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem otkrivanja polimorfizama pojedinačnih nukleotida u kodonu 167 i 200, Ī²-tubulin izotip 1 gena koji je povezan s otpornoŔću ovčjeg parazita Haemonchus contortus prema benzimidazolu (BZ). Genotipizirano je ukupno je 226 odraslih muÅ”kih crva iz različitih područja distrikta Krishna, Andhra Pradesh. Umnažanje DNA iz svakoga crva pomoću PCR-a praćeno je poluugniježđenim PCR-om, čime je proizveden očekivani fragment od 488 bp. PCR produkt potom je pomijeÅ”an s restrikcijskim endonukleazama SnaBI i TaaI radi otkrivanja mutacije u kodonu 167 i 200. U kodonu 200 opažena su tri različita fragmenta, jedan s 215 bp, 206 bp i 67 bp (homozigotno rezistentan, ā€žrrā€œ), drugi s 282 bp, 215 bp, 206 bp i 67 bp (heterozigot, ā€žrSā€œ) i treći s 282 bp i 206 bp fragmentom (homozigotno sumnjiv, ā€žSSā€œ). Rezistentni alel (TAC) nije ustanovljen u kodonu 167 svih istraženih crva, uključujući crve koji su nosili sumnjivi alel (TTC) u kodonu 200. Ukupna učestalost genotipova znatno je varirala (P<0,01) u odnosu na Ī²-tubulin gen/TaaI lokus istraženog područja. Učestalost genotipa ā€žrSā€œ (64,60 %) bila je visoka u usporedbi s učestaloŔću genotipova ā€žrrā€œ i ā€žSSā€œ. Učestalost genotipa ā€žrrā€œ kod crva iz različitih područja kretala se u rasponu od 6,25 % do 31,82 %. Općenito, opažena je signifikantno (P<0,01) viÅ”a (54,0 %) prevalencija BZ rezistentnog alela. Rezultati potvrđuju da polimorfizam kodona 200 u Ī²-tubulin izotip 1 genu ovčjeg parazita H. contortus upućuje na pojavu rezistentnih alela u istraženim područjima

    Synthesis, Structural and Theoretical Analyses of CNĀ·Ā·Ā·I Halogen-Bonded Liquid Crystalline Complexes of 4ā€‘Cyano-4ā€²-alkoxy Biphenyl Systems

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    A series of 4-cyano-4ā€²-alkoxybiphenyl compounds were synthesized by varying the spacer chain lengths (āˆ’CH2āˆ’)n, where n = 3ā€“10, for the systematic study of a halogen-bonded (XB) complex with 1,4-diiodotetrafluoro benzene. The XB liquid crystalline complexes obtained from the liquid-assisted grinding method were characterized by FTIR, Raman, DSC, and PXRD studies. Further, CNĀ·Ā·Ā·I XB interaction was established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The odd-even analysis has suggested that the even carbon chain length containing XB liquid crystalline complexes shows slightly higher alteration in their isotropic temperature compared to the odd carbon chain lengths of such complexes. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the higher alkyl chain complexes (n = 6ā€“10) showed liquid crystalline temperature at lower values with respect to their ligands. The Hirshfeld and energy framework analyses have also been carried out to assess the stability and percentage contribution of XB noncovalent interaction. The frontier molecular orbital, noncovalent interaction, molecular electrostatic potential, and QTAIM analysis were performed using DFT to evaluate the nature of XB in these halogen-bonded liquid crystalline systems